This webpage uses Jekyll to generate, which is a static site generator that runs on the Ruby programming language.

Installing Jekyll

1. Install Ruby

Ruby should come pre-installed on all OSX computers. You can check if Ruby is installed by running ruby -v. If for some reason you’re running a lower version, you can update.

$ sudo gem install ruby

2. Install Bundler

Bundler is a package manager that will aid you in installing all the Jekyll dependencies.

$ sudo gem install bundler

3. Create Gemfile

Create a directory, and add a file called Gemfile. In Terminal, run this command in the directory that contains the Gemfile.

$ bundle install

When it’s finished, it will say something like this: Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 55 gems now installed.

4. Serve

The distribution folder is called _site. This is what the static site generator generates! Never place any files in that folder; they will be deleted and overwritten. The _sass folder is for Sass partials. Every file in here should begin with an underscore, and it will compile into the css folder.

Using the following command to serve webpage

$ bundle exec jekyll serve


In the main directory, there’s a file called _config.yml.

Changes made to _config.yml will not be watched by jekyll serve. You must restart and reserve Jekyll after any config changes.

